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  This website is created by Xi'an Aerospace Pump Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "space Pump"). Any person want to use this site, firstly, please read the following terms carefully:

  The data, information and content on this website was provided by aerospace Pump, any person entering this site read any content, download any material from this site or use the information provided on this site, you agree to abide by these terms. These Terms constitute an agreement between you and aerospace Pump. If you do not agree to these terms, do not use this site. At any time without notice aerospace Pump reserves the right to update the following terms, these updates will also bound to you.

  1. Rights declaration

  The website information, proprietary information, layout, design, process, sound, procedures and other content ownership, copyright and other rights enjoyed by the aerospace Pump and be retained, and any violation of these rights may lead to civil, administrative or criminal liability.

  Content contained on this website, especially regarding possible or predict future performance, cost, dividends, income, level of production or efficiency, price, reserves, development of aerospace Pumps, industrial growth or other trends, as well as involved synergies in merger or company look forward to the content of any income that are forward-looking, so there are certain risks and uncertainties. Due to various factors, actual results and developments may vary significantly from the above expressed or implied.

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  This site provides information for reference only, not for any commercial purpose. This site does not guarantee the accuracy, validity, timeliness or completeness of this information. In any way to transfer or convey any information errors, inaccuracies or errors the company and its employees shall not bear any direct or indirect liability to the user or any other person. Within the extent permitted by law, the Company does not assume any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive damages (including but not limited to earning, loss of anticipated profits or lost business, did not achieve the expected savings) which were caused by the user or any other person in respect of the use or inability to use information or any links or items provided by this website. The company reserves the right to correct any errors or omissions in any portion of this website by himself. The Company may make any other changes to content and products described on this website, projects, services or prices at any time on the website, without notice.

  The website, information and content on this site as well as available software and materials on this site are provided as original sample and do not contain express or implied any nature representations or warranties. In the fullest extent permitted by law, the company statement did not make any representations and warranties which are express or implied, including but not limited to security, accuracy, completeness, and merchantability, non-infringement, suitable for any particular purpose or no computer viruses guarantee. You should assume full responsibility and risk for the use of this site.

  3. Product information

  About this site demonstrated the product, its appearance and function are base on material object and official product specification, the product information on web page only can make reference and do not regards as any commitment and warranties to related products.

  We have made the greatest efforts to check the contents of this site , but do not provide guarantee of any form express or implied, regarding the accuracy of the content, timeliness, effectiveness, stability, availability, does not infringe the rights of others and other aspects of ; does not guarantee the stability of the server, does not guarantee any time you can browse, read, copy, use of the Website; does not guarantee that the content of the website contained text, graphics, materials, links, description, statements or accuracy of other matters or completeness, nor guarantee that the content of this website does not exist printing, copying, and other errors of input aspects. "Web site operators can change content of this site in any time without further notice, but does not guarantee timely updates when the content changes, does not guarantee notify you when updates.

  By linking this site is to provide users with convenient, but linked sites are not within the control of the site, any user browsing other site through linking this sites are not considered browse this site, so we do not bear any responsibility when you received the network transmit or transport of any other form from the link site.

  4. Protection of user privacy

  We respect the privacy of users, without the user's consent, we do not collect user information. We mastered e-mail, information and address of for the needs of service, which our commitment to non-user permission can not provide for any third party

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  Agreement shall cease to have any party to termination, no matter under the terms stipulated in this agreement or under other circumstances, as long as you destruct all the software, documents and all related materials which you got from this website, then this agreement was terminated.

  6. Other

  All litigation or disputes which were arisen by this website shall apply the laws People's Republic of China. Such as modifying the People's Republic of China law makes any terms of the above illegal, the parties agreed that the aerospace pump will make changes to these terms.